Sunday, June 14, 2009

Badlands 60 Subraces

Here's a picture of the different subraces currently available.


Unknown said...

Wild dwarf didn't get me extra ac, don't know if there's more than just that one that don't work correctly.

Simon Hawk said...

Any talk of Spell Resistance becoming available in the future?

Im also curious if players will be allowed re-levels and such as the Subraces list is updated.

Terry17 said...

Didn't Pixie used to have a -4 to discipline skill? Was that a stealth upgrade? =-)

Anonymous said...

i got a good one, Averial:
-2 Str 4+ Dex +2 int

+ad wings

+Electrical resist

Alignment: any

Race: Half Elf Elf and halfling