Monday, June 22, 2009

Bugs, Glitches and Suggestions

Lay them on us, let us know if you find something that needs to be changed / fixed or if you have some good ideas you want to let the DM know about.


Deurack said...

I dont think the 2 extra attacks from the full Dorians set is working.

Unknown said...

- I think the bosses are not respawning every 4 hours but every 24, I've been on a lot yesterday(no I didn't have anything better to do) and once I killed a few none of them came back for the entire day.
fyi, my day lasted from 11 am till 10 pm. Noone else killed a boss, and they didn't come back. This morning however they were back.

- There's a dude in a tree in Moondark Mountain; the dead wood.

- Driffid Dale has an area transition in a cave entrance that doesn't work(no area or just broken?).

- I've also got some issues concerning the nerfing of mages and other classes' spells but those might be better off in another thread.

Deurack said...

Ask and ye shall receive :P

Simon Hawk said...

My suggestion is a serious look and overhaul of the crafting system. Yes it's a daunting task, but I'm sure there is some regular player out there that's willing to donate some of their free time to help a good cause.

Take a look at how simple the crafting system on BL-RPG is to use. That is how I would base a new one for BL-60.

Like I said, there HAS to be somebody out there that could donate their time to write a badass script, and get some recognition in the process.

Unknown said...

I just remembered, there's a lot of areas where the player comes in through the area transition and he's facing the wrong way, or is behind a door or something annoying like that. I've noticed it a lot near sheelo and in the long cave of echos. Not that bad and all but just annoying.

Unknown said...

Update again, the loot that every monster drops remain where they died.
The loot stays there pretty much forever. I've played, go to sleep and the next morning the same loot would still be there. This isn't a big thing, but 2 or 3 runs through azers and the place is ridden with loot bags and you just don't know wich ones you checked and wich you didn't.

Also, the gnolls are dropping loot all over but 90% of the time it'd be PC properties, and that's a bit lame.

Last thing so far is bosses that keep kicking their own ass, if I finally get to fight a boss when once I got the chance and noone beat me to it. They keep casting crap like Ice Storm and I've had quite a few bosses kill themselves that way. This made me miss out on 10000 xp several times and that's a bother.

Griff said...

Blogger Matt said...

I dont think the 2 extra attacks from the full Dorians set is working.

The attacks from the Dorian's set will not appear in your character sheet. To verify that they are working you will have to count them in the combat log.

Griff said...

I dont think the 2 extra attacks from the full Dorians set is working.

June 23, 2009 2:39 AM
Blogger Pyro said...

- I think the bosses are not respawning every 4 hours but every 24, I've been on a lot yesterday(no I didn't have anything better to do) and once I killed a few none of them came back for the entire day.
fyi, my day lasted from 11 am till 10 pm. Noone else killed a boss, and they didn't come back. This morning however they were back.

- There's a dude in a tree in Moondark Mountain; the dead wood.

- Driffid Dale has an area transition in a cave entrance that doesn't work(no area or just broken?).

I will look into the boss respwning time.

The Driffid Dale area is still under construction i will be adding to it as soon as i clean up
some of the bugs.

And as for the dude in the tree i think he likes it up there!

Griff said...

Blogger Pyro said...

Update again, the loot that every monster drops remain where they died.
The loot stays there pretty much forever. I've played, go to sleep and the next morning the same loot would still be there. This isn't a big thing, but 2 or 3 runs through azers and the place is ridden with loot bags and you just don't know wich ones you checked and wich you didn't.

Also, the gnolls are dropping loot all over but 90% of the time it'd be PC properties, and that's a bit lame.

I will be installing an area cleaner soon.

And as for the spawns dropping pc properties, that is my fault no GetIsPC(oPC); function in the on client enter script it has been fixed!

Griff said...

Blogger Simon Hawk said...

My suggestion is a serious look and overhaul of the crafting system. Yes it's a daunting task, but I'm sure there is some regular player out there that's willing to donate some of their free time to help a good cause.

Take a look at how simple the crafting system on BL-RPG is to use. That is how I would base a new one for BL-60.

The truth of the mater is that Q's crafters on BL RPG might be the best on the net and they are anything but simple!

Griff said...

Thank you for your input. I will do my best to make Badlands-60 fun to play And i think for only being on line for a few weeks we are doing quite well.


Deurack said...

I did count the attacks in the battle spam and it didnt even look like I was getting one from Haste, it looked like I was only getting 4 attacks per round. Hopefully I am wrong, but it didnt look like it.

Also, I was wearing a full set of the Sorcerer set which is supposed to give me Immunity to Critical hits. My character sheet showed that I had Immunity: Critical Hit but when I fought StridAst I had to roll 5 different saves against her Dev Crit. Not sure if that means anything or not but thought it was worth mentioning.

Terry17 said...

I have 2 pieces of the Shinobi armor. It says you get +50% move speed when you wear 2 pieces. I saw a move speed buff appear on my buff bar. It doesn't stack with haste. I think it's the first level mage spell, Expeditious Retreat. Kinda lame, considering the items are level 21-22. You can get a buff with Haste in Dozo from that ball, and by level 9 you probably have a haste cloak.

Wish it was like the run speed you get from Barbarian, Monk or a Horse. Those speed increases will stack with haste, but it's probably not possible to put that on the armor. Just wanted to give y'all a heads up on that.

Unknown said...

Some spells like barkskin and invisibility aren't working with the buff rod, no matter how many times Coori replaces it.

Also, sometimes the stuff that killed you comes along to dozo hall.

Unknown said...

Right, so I've had some time to check the server and look at a few nerfs and all that. I think it's time that you start to look at what you want each class to be. And what purpose they have in the game.

There's a few things that I'm concerned about and of course one of them is the arcane spellcasters, but I'm also not quite sure how I feel about how the clerics worked out.

We all know those classes are horribly overpowered, but what I've seen here is simply taking out those few aspects of the class that would make them overpowered instead of actually balancing the class compared to the rest of the game.

What I mean is that for a example the mage, what do you want it to do? Let's look at it from a plain pvper point of view, it has to be able to kill stuff. How do we want it to do that? Well mages have 2 options, the first being instant death, and the other one is just doing some massive damage. In here, it's having a rather hard time doing either of the 2. And all the while it's taking every rock you throw at it right in the crotch so all we're left here is a CON based mage.

The clerics need a bit more work too, because the way I understand a cleric. Is that they're meant to be a healing backup, and not the monstrous killing machine they are now. Instead of leaving it able to heal his companions and buff them to attack better, he's just an overpowered fighter able to cast a few rubbish spells.

I know that it's a pain in the ass when you've almost kicked some drow priest and they decide you can start over again using that wretched heal(I know I hate it too), but that's what a cleric is SUPPOSED to do. Not being able to kick everyone's ass with just 2 spells that put it's combat abilities well above everyone else's. Well what do you want the cleric to be? A healer or an alternative to the barbarian? My suggestion is still, and a lot of you will hate me for it, to take out both divine power and divine favor and put the heals back in.

This way it's much easier to kick the ass of a cleric, it just takes longer and it will leave a lot more options for the other non-buffing builds. In here, EVERYTHING with a cleric will work no matter what, granted in RPG it's even worse but still. A cleric has another purpose in battle imo, and I don't see that here.

Flatfoot said...

I dont mind at all if one class is better than the other I can allways build one if I like
just have fun

Deurack said...

As much as I hate saying this, I agree with Pyro concerning the Cleric. Not that I hate agreeing with Pyro, but I hate saying anything that will lessen the power of the Cleric because I really love the awesome power of the class the way it is now.

For example, what's the difference between a Paladin and a Cleric on Badlands? A Cleric can heal, cast True Sight and other great buffs while the Paladin cant. Other than that, there's not alot of reason to play a Paladin because they can both get the same Attack Bonus through the spell Divine Power.

It's not the offensive melee abilities of a Cleric that have been the hallmark of the class since the first days of tabletop D&D, it's the classes ability to save the parties ass with a well-placed heal spell. Granted, we can still cast Mass Heal while in combat, but if you want the Cleric class to be less of an "Anything you can do, I can do better" class, I would lower the possible AB of the class and restore the full healing abilities that have defined the Clerics since the origin of the game.

I think we would see more Melee based builds if people didnt have the option of getting the same (if not better) AB from 15 Cleric levels along with all the great protection and buffing spells that come with those levels. The way it is now, if I see someone with 15 levels of Fighter in a build I typically assume that they're a newbie and dont know any better because if they did they would have gotten 15 levesl of Cleric instead.

Terry17 said...

Clerics vs. Warriors

There are several spells on the server that have gotten a tremendous boost. Greater Magic Weapon and +10 Weapons has actually gone a long way to balancing clerics. Before, a level 15 cleric could hit the AB bonus cap of +20, while fully buffed. Now, most caster classes can hit the cap or come very close. Since you can now reach the AB bonus cap easier, BAB becomes more important. This makes Melee fights favor the Full BAB (melee) classes. OMG, melee classes dominating melee. Who woulda thunk it!

Cleric Harm spell

Could this spell get some luv? Normally it's suppose to take the target down to 1d4 hps. I agree this is way to powerful. Most servers set it at 10 points per level. I feel that this is pretty balanced. If you use a dice instead, it should probably average about 10 per level. Either 2d10 per level or 1d20 per level. It is kind of depressing to have my level 27 cleric only do 27 damage.

Unknown said...

@ Terry, last time I heard Griff about Harm he said it'd be 10 dmg/caster lvl + spellcraft ranks. And something about divine power not hitting more than +3 ab. He also said that there would be a sign in dozo with a list of nerfed spells and all that.

Reading the rest of your post made me a little more at ease about how clerics vs melee ended up. I'm still not happy with how clerics turned out but at least it's better than usual. Imo clerics are still healers first and fighter 2nd. The fact that they're nearly on par with traditional melees does not agree with me at all but like I said, it's an improvement.

The next thing I'm worried about is Hide In Plain Sight. I know that it can be annoying when there are people spamming hips all over making it impossible to fight them properly, but at least they're hardly doing any dmg on you either right?

Now I'm very happy that feats like Blindsight 60 ft. (for those of you unfamiliar it's pretty much the 'I can see everything no matter what' feat) are not in the game, so hips is still useful and that can make for a lot of interesting builds.

Hips itself however should not be overestimated, the only way it's some real use in battle is when you're capable of doing some major dmg on 1 attack and hipsing out again. Other than that it's no big thing. Now there are a few things that make hips different from normal hiding, and from what I read the biggest one is that hips won't trigger spot checks.

This would mean that if you stand still you'd be hidden forever, once you move it'd be move silently vs listen checks. A character standing still won't do much damage in combat so that doesn't seem like a big thing to me. Griff told me he wants to do something about hips spamming and considers it an exploit.

This is the part where I become worried, because most of the time when you try to help players DM's tend to go a bit overboard and pretty much rape said 'exploit' rendering it completely useless.

Long story short, my suggestion is not to mess with hips itself, but to allow players some way to counter the hiding like allowing them more intelligence so they can put skill points in listen, or allow subraces growth in those kind of checks like the spell resistance would grow with lvls in badlands RPG. Imo a DM shouldn't fight the players 'exploiting' certain feats, but help the defending player by giving them more options to fight against this type of player.

The players here are smart enough(at least most are) to find a way around hips and there's tons of ways to defend against hips. Most classes are able to counter a feat like hips and it is NORMAL that the 'dumb fighter' with low listen skills due to a lack of intelligence will get his ass kicked by a hipser. That's not something you should want to counter, because said hipser will get his ass kicked by any elf, caster, or even a lucky bard or rogue with some true seeing scrolls. And if some players aren't able to manage with their builds they're just gonna have to learn how to do it properly or die, this is a pvp server after all.

Deurack said...

Regarding HiPS: True Sight renders it worthless. Some classes can cast True Sight and some cant, but that in itself seems pretty balanced to me. If you dont want to get raped by a HiPS'er, take enough levels of a class with True Sight, otherwise you're leaving yourself vulnerable. It's choice you make when you design your build.

Unknown said...

- Casting the same spell twice in a row will dispell the spell.

- Barkskin and Improved invisibility still don't work with the buffrod.

Terry17 said...

Buff Rod:
Buff rods will work with all spells "EXCEPT" cleric domain spells.
Bark Skin from Plant domain, Improved Invisibility from Trickery domain, and Mage Armor from Magic domain are a few. It seems to be the same for every server I've played on that uses buff rods.

Another side note:
Buffs from buff rods will not extend the duration of spells, even if they are memorized that way.

Put all normal spells on your buff rod, but make hot keys for your domain spells or any buffs you want to cast extended. You will have to cast them separately.

I get the feeling that to make the buff rods recognize domain spells and/or extended spells would probably take more extra scripting than the buff rods start out with.

Hope this info helps.

Flatfoot said...

It was my first time trying the legindary leveling room in Newport as soon as I finished leveling my char Gimli and was booted He is gone now is there anyway I can get him back?

Deurack said...

yeah, that happened to me once. Dont be scared, your toon isnt gone :-)

Talk to Griff, he can fix it for you.

Unknown said...

Suggestion, add restrictions alignment changes of toons. I don't see the reason for anyone to make a smiter otherwise.

Griff said...

Blogger Flatfoot said...

It was my first time trying the legindary leveling room in Newport as soon as I finished leveling my char Gimli and was booted He is gone now is there anyway I can get him back?

July 15, 2009 5:26 AM

This is a common problem with the legendary level system. The system works through a scripting program called Leto script. Leto script cannot change your character in ram which is why you must be logged off in order for the program to make changes to the character file. To do this Leto must change the file extension to .uti as it is unable to work with a .bic file. Rarely the file extension does not get changed back to .bic which is why it does not show up in the logon screen.
I'm not sure why this happens but i think it might be from the player logging back in too quickly and not giving leto enough time to finish it's job. So take your time logging back in when you use both the DarII subraces and the legendary level systems!!

DM: Griff

Griff said...

Blogger Pyro said...

Suggestion, add restrictions alignment changes of toons. I don't see the reason for anyone to make a smiter otherwise.

July 15, 2009 6:39 PM

A well built smiter can do as much as 4000+ points of damage in 1 hit for anyone that is thinking of building a boss killer!

Griff said...

Blogger Pyro said...

Some spells like barkskin and invisibility aren't working with the buff rod, no matter how many times Coori replaces it.

Also, sometimes the stuff that killed you comes along to dozo hall.

The problem of spawns coming along after you into the hall has been fixed!

And as for the buff rod, there are limitations to it. Bioware has mad it so certain spells cannot be cast on a sequencer and it will not cast meta-magic like extend spell it's really just a tool to free up some quick slots so you can fit them all in!

Unknown said...

I wasn't thinking of a boss killer, I was thinking of a smiter being no use whatsoever in PVP situations with the alignment changing system, everyone will just get neutral as soon as they can and play it safe. It's a bit of a shame, and quite a tough choice to do. Because the alignment changing at will allows for more possibilities in builds and also limits a build like the smiter.

Flatfoot said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Griff said...

I posted a request for information on the Higher Ground web page so hopefully we can get some incite as to why this is happening right from Funky Swerve (The evil genius that scripted the Higher Ground Legendary Level system)until then try to be patient and i will have your missing toons back to you as soon as i can.

DM: Griff

Flatfoot said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Battleshift said...

One thing you can easily do, is run a batch file before the server starts that checks the directory and if any of the .uti files extension exists change them over to .bic. Once this check has been accomplished the server then starts up.

This will at least fix all the characters everytime a manual reset is done, or a crash happens.

Instead of callign the nwn executable it calls the batch script instead which then calls the .exe after it finishes.

Battleshift said...

Some more misc bugs I have seen (or *might* be bugs)

(a) The class special items form bosses will work with a low UMD score I have no pinpointed the exact amount yet, however, it seems this needs to be raised as most anyone can wear any combination they want just by putting in relatively low points. If this is how its intended then might as well just take the class restrictions out, though I like how it is set up for class specific myself.

(b) door inside Medussa monster spawn area to the rest spot and storage chest wont open (talked to Griff about this already)

(c) Forge in Bagra breaks all slots on equiptment if used. So even if you got all 4 slots left none can be utalized after saying you have 0. This will happen even if you just put a +1 regen or anything on it.

(d) The acid jellies below vamps in newport sewers can be exploited, by a ranged character where you enter the area at form the sewers. You can gather them all up and run up to the ledge where it takes the corner and they will stay below giving you free xp with no danger. Same thing if you take the backend corner fast they will get "stuck" there. Might be best to just take the platform out.

Flatfoot said...

I have noticed that whenever were leveling that we all dont pick up all the stuff droped or we do pick it up but it still is there ....anyway all that stuff could be lagging the server
just my thoughts and ty got my chars back yay!

battleshift said...

Legendary levels still bugged just lost my sorc Seductress when trying to go to 41.

also more bugs I found:

(1) spell greater ruin is sometimes doing almost 3k dmg on a hit on a few of the bosses. Not sure if this is intential, but it's WAY outside the damage potential for this spell.

(2) druid AOE spells can be cast from rod so can cast 10-20 pvp spells in 1 second

(3) class items will loose all there powers upon death, I am assuming this is like the shifter bug and might not be fixable. PC has to take off 1 item and re-equipt to get full set bonus again.

(4) forge breaks slotted weapons so they cant use slots anymore if any are free.

(5) when you kill the royal assassin the death shout is missing a space in it running two words together.

battleshift said...

Also druid armor is a robe and not armor. This only helps if a druid has monk lvls otherwise all pure druids will be wearing medium, and most likely heavy armor as there spells are divine based and not arcane.

Also, bosses are spawning very quickly for most. I spent over 4 hours killing them in a non stop cycle.
Cycle was:
dragon in UD, royal assasin, newport baracks one, medussa, sad on sheelo mtn, and then sheelo, queen and weapon master. Then I woudl repeat.

Forgotten said...

OK i love my bugs and i like exploiting them (don't worry i don't over exploit...)
as BattleShift said (probably after seeing me do it...........) the buffer rod can be used to set of a mass of attack spells in a second. this will work with anyspell that can be casted into the rod for example creeping doom, Gate, Meteor swarm though the down side is that your the target of these spells so they will be casted on top of you. meaning if your using them to kill someone your most likely going to kill yourself.

As i found out the very hard way if you put set items into the omega forge and add bonuses the set item will no long react as a set item so no set bonus will be given... even if you remove the things you added the item still remains the same.

With my Mage thats only level 18 when he casts the level 1 spell "burning hands" it does 128 damage and every level the damage increases by around 5 damage. iv got to say that spell isn't meant to do that, it's maximum damage should be 5d4, also i'm having the same effect from call lightning on my druid.

BTW is hell ball and greater ruin meant to do massive amounts of damage? 400+ for both.

now that i think about it tell me the point of making a Dwarven Defender? if you ask me it's so that you can take a hit but when weapons do magic divine and positive damage that can't be blocked DD's just get pounded on and seem rather pointless.

I think thats all i will say for tonight.


Aramia said...

Re: Legendary levels problems....I played on PoA and used their legendary leveler. They only had ONE leveler per server. (They had serveral servers running at the same time.) Wondering if the fact you have two levelers on one server is causing a problem?

Second the notion about bosses casting self-destructive spells. Vamps in sewers casting heal on themselves is bad too. :)

Yes, a clean-up script is needed. I agree it could be causing lag.

Personally I like levels of DD for sneak immunity, defensive stance, and the fact you don't lose your ac bonus when standing still.


Aramia said...

Forgot... lost my mage using the leveler yesterday.

Forgotten said...

This is minor but rather annoying after the reset today all my binds were gone... so now iv got to walk everywhere again. Its not only happened to me.


Forgotten said...

Minor bug here, minor bug there, minor bugs every where... Rather annoying when you change the color of a set item and it no long acts as a set item... (Same thing that happens when you put a set item in the Omega Forge.)


Aramia said...

Finally got my weapon done today and it went to level 43. However, even though I am level 60, I can't use the weapon. "I have not reached the required level to use this weapon." Can it check legendary levels somehow? Put a cap of 40 on any item? Thanks

Aramia said...

The sorcerer level 4 spell Isaac's lesser missile storm is listed as a level one spell on the legendary leveler. Needs to be moved to level 4.

Forgotten said...

There is a few minor problems with the LL, i would think that Griff would rather let it work with a few minor problems than have it broken again with everyone on server bitching for their toons back.
In any case the problems with the LL are available to everyone.
Since were on this topic, if Griff is going to risk messing with it, when i got my Sorcerer to level 46 i couldn't change my spells, and it also didn't allow me to see all my spells i had picked already this was before i couldn't change my spells.


Aramia said...

HGLL - The skill ride is not included in the options for a paladin. (don't know about other classes)

Second - I was recently confused about a toon, because some of you are leaving the name of the toon the same; just putting varying weird symbols in front or behind. Kato and Alizee do this. I am afraid this can and does lead to confusion as to which toon the player is playing. However, when you keep the names so similar, I don't see how you can be surprised if confusion does result.

Terry17 said...

Some people use the same character name so others can identify the player easily. If you get confused with which build you are PKing, I thing of that as a personal problem and not a game problem.

Aramia said...

FYI Terry, I was the one getting PKed, not the other way around. The PK is not the issue.

Second, "suggestions" is part of the title for this section of the blog. I merely suggested that players who use such similar names have no reason to complain if the similar names confuse other players. There are a myriad of other ways to ID yourself, such as using the same last name, etc. I at no point called it a game problem.

Terry17 said...

Found a Bug I think. The Cleric spell "Bless" seems to be broken. It used to give a +2 AB and +2 to fear saves. I don't know about the fear saves, but it no longer gives ANY bonus to AB.

Forgotten said...

GRIFF, a few glichs/bugs have popped up after that reset.

1. no one on server gets xp

2. guild leaders only have two effects not 3 as they should


Unknown said...

I've been messing with the xp thing and partys a bit and so far it looks like the xp system is reversed. I there's a higher lvl party member the lower levels get xp instead of the higher levels.

Now we know in a team where the level differences are too great the lower levels won't get xp so they can't get their babytoons raised easily. Now it seems like it's the other way around, but due to the big difference the xp gained is still very low.

I'm not entirely sure why you won't get any xp solo but a guess of mine is that when soloing you're automatically the highest level char in the party and thus won't gain xp. This is just a bit of guessing on the subject but that's what I've found out.

Terry17 said...

Not sure if it's a bug or on purpose. I can't bind to the bind stone in Mountain Shelter anymore. I've heard similar things from other players.
Also, all my older characters have lost ALL their bind points. I've had this happen more than once, and was wondering if it was just me, or a known problem.