Thursday, June 4, 2009

It Needed To Happen, and Here We Are

Looking forward to good things, I just wanted to create a Blog for the new Server. Thanks again for doing the work to make the new server!


Terry17 said...

Hey, I get to post the first comment here!

Unknown said...

Lol, good boy you get a cookie.

Deimonos said...

Yo dudes, what's up?

I saw that Deurack was on one night and tracked him down to an unknown Bads 60 server. I logged in and saw a DM Griff. I went "hey, I know that dude!" lolol
Too bad I was on my way out..

Anyways, just saying hello, good luck and I'll definitely check this server out later. I made a recommended badass toon. So, don't be afraid if you see Loris Waynolt around!!

Forgotten said...

where should i post the few major bugs and glichs i find every time i find a new place lol

Simon Hawk said...

Hello all, just wanted to drop in and say "hi". And to say "Hmm, where have I seen that blog banner before!?" lol.

Deurack said...

Forgotten, I created a new post for that sort of thing, thanks for thinking of that, it was a good idea.

Flatfoot said...

Here I am

Billy d kid12345 said...

Hi im billy d kid12345 and im trying to create a better build and transfer my levels....My build sucks like dog doodoo.....but umm really i need all help possible.....Please DM's help me and I will do the best player i can be.....Thanks

battleshift said...

Griff, anyway we can have a scripting suggestion topic? Was going to suggest a few things but no real place to do so at the moment.

Morticianofpain said...

hi , just wanted to say I'm enjoying the server , there are a few balance issues but nothing that can't work itself out over time . Overall I like this version of badlands and plan on building quite a few toons here. DM Griff , keep up the good work , it's hard to please everyone ( in fact I think it's not possible ) but you seem to be up to the challenge .